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Why Does My Car Shake When I Accelerate?

Experiencing your car shaking when you accelerate can be both unnerving and potentially dangerous. This common problem may indicate a variety of underlying issues, ranging from minor fixes to more serious concerns. Understanding the reasons behind this unsettling phenomenon and seeking timely solutions is crucial for your safety and the longevity of your vehicle. 

Possible dangers of a shaking car 

The shaking of a car during acceleration can lead to dangerous driving conditions. It can affect the driver’s control over the vehicle, potentially leading to accidents. Moreover, ignoring this issue can exacerbate the underlying problem, leading to more significant damage and costly repairs. 

Common reasons for car shaking when accelerating 

Wheel issues. One of the most common causes is related to the car’s wheels. Imbalanced or misaligned wheels can cause the car to vibrate. Uneven tire wear, damaged tires or issues with the wheel bearings can also contribute to this problem. 

Engine problems. Issues with the engine’s air and fuel delivery systems, such as dirty air filters, malfunctioning spark plugs or fuel injection problems, can cause misfires and result in shaking during acceleration. 

Faulty axles. Damaged or bent axles from previous accidents or hitting curbs and potholes can cause significant shaking. Even a slight bend in an axle can result in a noticeable vibration when you pick up speed. 

Brake issues. Problems with the brake rotors, such as warping or excessive wear, can cause vibrations, especially noticeable when accelerating or applying the brakes. 

Suspension and steering problems. Worn out or faulty suspension components and issues in the steering system can also lead to a shaky driving experience. 

Solutions for a shaking car 

The first and most crucial step is to visit a qualified and experienced mechanic. It’s essential to address this issue promptly to prevent further damage and ensure safe driving conditions. A professional mechanic can perform a thorough inspection to identify the root cause of the problem. Solutions may include: 

  • Balancing or aligning the wheels. 
  • Replacing or repairing damaged tires and axles. 
  • Servicing the engine, including replacing spark plugs, air filters or fixing fuel injection systems. 
  • Repairing or replacing brake rotors and suspension components. 

It’s important not to ignore this issue or attempt DIY fixes unless you have the necessary expertise. Car shaking during acceleration can be a sign of various underlying issues, and a professional assessment is the best way to ensure a proper fix and safe driving. 

If your car shakes when you accelerate, it’s a clear sign that something is amiss. From wheel alignment to engine issues, the causes can be diverse. The safest and most effective solution is to consult with a professional mechanic who can diagnose and rectify the problem, ensuring your vehicle’s safety and reliability on the road. 

For your safety and your vehicle’s reliability and longevity, whether it’s about car shaking or other automobile problems, you can contact us here at CMR Automotive. We have two convenient Sydney Inner West locations:  

  • Leichhardt – which undertakes regular car mechanical repair work  
  • Marrickville – which offers a service specifically designed for vintage and specialty car owners. 

How Do I Know If My Car Has Electrical Damage?

Modern cars are equipped with several electrical components that play a vital role in their performance and functionality. However, like any system, electrical components can develop issues over time. Recognising signs of electrical damage is essential to maintaining your vehicle’s reliability and safety. In this article, we’ll explore how to identify electrical damage in your car and emphasize the significance of seeking the services of experienced auto electricians for accurate diagnosis and repair. 

Common signs of electrical damage 

Dim or flickering lights. One of the most apparent signs of electrical issues in a car is dimming or flickering lights. This includes headlights, dashboard lights and interior lighting. If you notice your lights are not as bright as usual, there may be an electrical problem. 

Electrical accessories malfunction. If your power windows, power seats or electric mirrors stop working or operate erratically, it could be a sign of electrical damage. 

Problems starting the vehicle. When you turn the key and the engine does not crank or starts slowly, it may be due to a dead battery, faulty starter or electrical issues. 

Frequent blown fuses. If fuses in your car’s electrical system frequently blow, it’s a clear indicator of an underlying problem. Fuses protect your car’s electrical components from overloading. 

Unusual noises. Unusual buzzing, clicking or whirring sounds from the dashboard or under the hood can be indicative of electrical issues, particularly related to relays and switches. 

Inconsistent fuel gauge readings. If your fuel gauge gives erratic readings, indicating a full tank one moment and nearly empty the next, it could be due to electrical problems in the sensor or gauge. 

When you notice any of those signs and problems, it’s good to ask a professional as soon as possible. This way, you can prevent the problem from getting worse and becoming more expensive to fix. 

Why seek the services of experienced auto electricians 

Accurate diagnosis. Auto electricians are highly skilled in diagnosing electrical issues in vehicles. They have specialised knowledge and diagnostic tools to pinpoint the exact source of the problem. This accuracy is crucial for efficient and cost-effective repairs. 

Troubleshooting expertise. Electrical issues in a vehicle can be complex, with multiple interconnected components. Experienced auto electricians excel in troubleshooting these intricate systems, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation. 

Proper repair techniques. Once the problem is identified, auto electricians can efficiently repair or replace faulty components. They are well-versed in the proper repair techniques to ensure that your vehicle’s electrical system functions correctly and safely. 

Prevention of further damage. Ignoring electrical issues can lead to more significant problems and potentially compromise the safety of your vehicle. Auto electricians can address the problems promptly, preventing further damage and potential safety hazards. 

Warranty preservation. If your car is under warranty, having electrical repairs performed by experienced auto electricians can help preserve your warranty coverage. They ensure that repairs are carried out according to manufacturer standards. 

Safety assurance. Many modern vehicles include complex safety systems that rely on electrical components. Auto electricians can ensure these systems function properly, enhancing your safety on the road. 

Maintaining your vehicle’s reliability and safety 

Recognising signs of electrical damage in your car, such as dimming lights, malfunctioning accessories and starting issues, is crucial for timely maintenance. Seeking the services of experienced auto electricians is equally important for accurate diagnosis, troubleshooting and repair. Their expertise ensures that your vehicle’s electrical system functions optimally, preventing further damage and upholding safety standards. When you suspect electrical issues in your car, don’t hesitate to consult an auto electrician to maintain your vehicle’s reliability and safety on the road

Is My Car Battery About to Fail?

Your car’s battery is a crucial component that provides the electrical energy needed to start the engine and power various systems in your vehicle. However, like all mechanical parts, car batteries have a limited lifespan and can fail over time. In this article, we’ll explore common signs that indicate your car battery may be about to fail, what to do when it happens and how to prevent it from occurring in the first place. 

Signs of a failing car battery 

Slow engine crank. If you notice that your engine cranks slowly when you try to start your car, it could be a sign that the battery is losing its charge and needs to be replaced. A healthy battery should provide the necessary power to start the engine quickly. 

Dimming headlights and electrical issues. Dimming headlights or other electrical issues, such as flickering interior lights or a weak horn, can also be indicators of a weakening battery. These issues suggest that the battery is struggling to supply sufficient power to the vehicle’s electrical systems. 

Clicking sound when turning the key. If you hear a clicking sound when you turn the ignition key, it could be due to a discharged or failing battery. The clicking noise often indicates that the starter motor isn’t receiving enough power to engage properly. 

Dashboard warning lights. Some modern vehicles have battery warning lights on the dashboard. If this warning light illuminates, it’s a clear indication that the battery or charging system requires attention. 

What to do next 

If you suspect that your car battery is about to fail or experience any of the signs mentioned above, here’s what you should do: 

Check the battery. Open the hood and inspect the battery for signs of corrosion, loose connections or a damaged case. Ensure that the battery terminals are clean and securely attached. If there’s visible damage or corrosion, it’s advisable to have the battery inspected by a professional. 

Test the battery. Most auto parts stores and service centres offer free battery testing services. A battery test can assess the battery’s state of charge and health. If the test indicates that the battery is weak or failing, it’s time for a replacement. 

Replace the battery. If your battery is old or has tested as weak, it’s best to replace it promptly. Installing a new, reliable battery will ensure that your vehicle starts reliably and runs smoothly. 

How to prevent battery failure 

To avoid future battery issues, consider these preventive measures: 

Regular maintenance. Perform regular maintenance on your vehicle, including checking the battery’s condition and cleaning the terminals. Ensure that the alternator and charging system are functioning correctly. 

Drive your vehicle. Extended periods of inactivity can lead to battery discharge. If you’re not driving your car regularly, consider using a battery maintainer or trickle charger to keep the battery charged. 

Extreme temperatures. Extreme cold or hot weather can put additional strain on your battery. If you live in an area with harsh weather conditions, be especially mindful of your battery’s health and consider replacing it if it’s old. 

Limit electrical load. Minimise the use of electrical accessories, such as air conditioning and infotainment systems, when the engine is off to reduce strain on the battery. 

Timely maintenance is crucial 

Recognizing the signs of a failing car battery and taking appropriate action can save you from unexpected breakdowns and inconveniences. Regular maintenance and proper care can help prolong your battery’s life and ensure that your vehicle remains reliable. When in doubt, consult with a professional mechanic to address battery-related concerns and maintain your car’s overall health

How Do I Know If My Car Needs an Alignment?

Your car’s alignment is crucial for maintaining proper handling, tyre wear and overall safety on the road. Over time, factors like potholes, curb impacts, and regular wear and tear can lead to misalignment issues. Knowing when your car needs an alignment and taking prompt action can help prevent further damage and costly repairs. In this article, we will explore how to recognise the signs of misalignment and what to do when your car needs an alignment. 

Signs of misalignment 

Uneven tyre wear. One of the most common signs of misalignment is uneven tyre wear. If you notice that the tread on one or more tyres is wearing down faster than the others, it could indicate misalignment. 

Vehicle pulls to one side. When driving on a straight, level road, your car should travel in a straight line without you having to constantly correct the steering. If your vehicle pulls to one side or the other, it’s a clear sign that the wheels are not aligned properly. 

Steering wheel off-centre. If your steering wheel is not centred when driving straight, it suggests alignment issues. This can often be noticed when you’re holding the wheel straight, but the car doesn’t travel in a straight line. 

Vibrations or shaking. Misalignment can cause vibrations or shaking in the steering wheel or even in the entire vehicle. These vibrations can become more noticeable at higher speeds. 

Squealing tyres. When your tyres are not properly aligned, they can drag along the road at odd angles, causing squealing sounds during turns or when making sharp manoeuvres. 

What to do when your car needs an alignment 

Get a professional inspection. If you suspect your car needs an alignment, it’s essential to have it inspected by a professional mechanic. They will use specialised equipment to assess the alignment angles of your wheels. 

Follow manufacturer recommendations. Check your car’s owner’s manual for manufacturer-recommended maintenance intervals for wheel alignments. Typically, it’s a good idea to have your alignment checked at least once a year or if you’ve recently hit a curb or pothole. 

Schedule an alignment service. If the inspection reveals misalignment, schedule an alignment service with a reputable auto repair shop. During the service, the technician will adjust the angles of the wheels to ensure they are within the manufacturer’s specifications. 

Consider a four-wheel alignment. While a front-wheel alignment addresses the angles of the front wheels, a four-wheel alignment includes adjustments to all four wheels, ensuring optimal handling and tyre wear. It’s recommended, especially for vehicles with all-wheel drive or independent rear suspension. 

Replace worn parts. In some cases, misalignment may be caused by worn or damaged suspension components. If this is the case, the technician may recommend replacing these parts to achieve a proper alignment. 

Regular maintenance. To prevent future misalignment issues, practice regular vehicle maintenance, including tyre rotations, checking tyre pressure and avoiding harsh impacts like potholes and curbs. 

Recognising the signs of misalignment in your car is crucial for maintaining your vehicle’s performance and safety. If you notice any of the aforementioned symptoms, it’s essential to take prompt action by seeking a professional alignment service. Regular alignment checks and maintenance can extend the life of your tyres, improve fuel efficiency and enhance your overall driving experience. So, don’t overlook the importance of proper wheel alignment in keeping your car running smoothly on the road. 

Is It Normal for Water to Leak Under My Car?

If you’ve ever noticed water pooling or dripping underneath your car, you might have wondered whether it’s something to be concerned about. While seeing liquid under your vehicle can be alarming, it’s essential to understand that not all leaks are cause for panic. In many cases, water dripping from your car is a completely normal occurrence and can be attributed to various harmless sources. 

Air conditioning and condensation 

One of the most common reasons for water leakage under a car is the air conditioning system. As your vehicle’s AC operates, it naturally causes condensation to form on the evaporator coil. This condensation accumulates in a drain pan, and the water is then expelled through a drain tube located under the car. The presence of water under your car, especially on hot or humid days, can likely be attributed to this normal condensation process and is nothing to worry about. 

Exhaust system and condensation 

Another reason for water under your car is related to the exhaust system. During the combustion process in your engine, water vapour is produced as a byproduct. This vapor exits the tailpipe and can sometimes condense into water droplets as it cools down under the car. This phenomenon is more noticeable during cold weather conditions and is entirely normal. 

Engine compartment and condensation 

In addition, water dripping from the engine compartment after you have turned off the car is also a regular occurrence. This is usually the result of the air conditioning system’s evaporator core draining excess condensation accumulated during operation. The water will often drip onto the ground as the car cools down. 

Take note of the colour 

However, it’s essential to distinguish between water and other types of fluid leaks. If you notice coloured or odorous fluids under your car, it could be a sign of a more serious issue. These types of leaks may indicate problems with the respective systems and require immediate attention from a qualified mechanic. 

Most likely it’s normal, but… 

Seeing water leakage under your car is usually normal and nothing to be overly concerned about, especially if it happens after using the air conditioning or during cold weather conditions. Still, it’s essential to be vigilant and pay attention to the colour and consistency of the fluid you find under your vehicle. If the liquid appears to be anything other than clear and odorless water, it’s advisable to have your car inspected by a professional mechanic to identify and address any potential issues. 

Get sure about your car’s condition 

Here at CMR Automotive, in Leichhardt & Marrickville, we can see what’s wrong in your car and whether that leak and dripping is normal. As an automotive diagnostic and repair centre, we always apply old school values in carrying out each work. Contact us today

Why is My Car Shaking When I Brake?

Experiencing your car shaking when you apply the brakes can be a worrisome and potentially dangerous issue. This can stem from various factors related to your vehicle’s braking system or suspension. In this article, we will learn about some of the common causes behind this problem and potential solutions. 

Warped brake rotors 

One of the primary culprits for car shaking during braking is warped brake rotors. Rotors can become warped due to excessive heat buildup caused by prolonged or aggressive braking. Warped rotors create an uneven surface that leads to vibrations and shaking when the brake pads come in contact with them. Resurfacing or replacing the rotors is the typical solution, depending on the extent of the damage. 

Worn brake pads 

Worn brake pads can also contribute to the shaking sensation. Over time, the friction material on the pads wears down, causing uneven contact between the pads and rotors. This uneven contact generates vibrations that are felt as shaking. Replacing the brake pads is necessary to restore proper braking performance and eliminate the shaking. 

Loose or faulty suspension components 

A loose or damaged suspension system can also manifest as shaking during braking. The damages can create excessive play in the suspension, causing the wheels to wobble when the brakes are applied. A thorough inspection of the suspension system by a qualified mechanic is crucial to identify and address any issues. 

Things to do and remember 

If your car shakes when you brake, it is essential to have the issue diagnosed and repaired promptly to ensure your safety on the road. Consult a qualified mechanic who can accurately identify the underlying cause and recommend the appropriate repairs, whether it involves addressing warped rotors, worn brake pads, or suspension problems. Remember, regular maintenance and timely repairs are key to maintaining a smooth and safe driving experience. 

What Happens If a Car is Not Used for a Long Time?

If a car is not used for a long time, several issues can arise due to extended periods of inactivity. Here are some common problems that can occur: 

  • Battery issues. The battery can lose its charge over time, especially if the car is not started or driven regularly. This can result in a dead battery, requiring a jump-start or replacement. 
  • Tyre damage. When a car sits idle for a long time, the weight of the vehicle can cause flat spots to develop on the tyres. Flat spots can lead to vibrations and potentially require tire replacement. 
  • Fluid deterioration. Fluids such as engine oil, coolant, brake fluid and fuel can degrade over time. This can result in decreased lubrication, reduced effectiveness or even contamination. Regular fluid checks and changes are important to maintain optimal and smooth performance. 
  • Fuel system issues. Fuel can deteriorate and form deposits if the car is left with a full tank for an extended period. This can lead to problems such as clogged fuel injectors or a fuel system that needs cleaning. 
  • Brake problems. Brake components can experience corrosion and rust if the car is not used for a long time. Sticking brake pads or seized brake calipers are common issues that can occur. 
  • Stuck or seized components. Various components, such as the parking brake, clutch, or transmission, can become stuck or seized if left unused for an extended period. This can require repairs or replacements. 
  • Moisture and rust. Lack of movement and exposure to humidity can lead to moisture build-up, which can cause rust and corrosion on various parts of the car, including the body, undercarriage, and exhaust system. 
  • Electrical issues. Electrical systems can face problems due to corrosion or connectivity issues caused by inactivity. This can result in malfunctions with various electrical components, such as lights, power windows or the audio system. 

Those problems might occur especially if your car has been idle for two weeks or more. If you haven’t driven your car for weeks or months, it’s important that you have it undergo professional inspection before you put it back to regular use. 

We can check if there’s a problem 

You can contact us here at CMR Automotive if you suspect there are problems with your car. If you’re concerned about safety and possible malfunction, our experienced mechanics can take a look and verify your suspicion. They will carry out advanced diagnostics on your automobile to pinpoint the root cause of each problem. 

What to Check Before Going on a Long Drive

To get ready for a long drive and help ensure your safety, it’s highly recommended that you check the following: 

  • Windscreen (ensure clear visibility, no dirt or smudges) 
  • Tyres (especially look for worn out areas, cuts and other defects) 
  • Engine oil, coolant, windscreen washer reservoir (to help maintain visibility all day and all night) 
  • Battery 
  • Headlights and other indicators (see if everything lights up and there’s nothing burnt out) 
  • Brakes (no squealing noises when you use them) 

You can have expert mechanics do the inspection for you. They can pinpoint small problems that might lead to serious ones while you’re on the road. They can also help make sure that your automobile is in its top condition so that you’ll have a more efficient and smoother ride. 

Driving in the rain 

Aside from doing the inspection as mentioned above, it’s also good to get yourself ready in case the weather gets unpleasant. For better preparation and extra care, you should inspect the following (or have a mechanic do it for you): 

  • Tyre tread (> 1.5mm deep across the whole tyre width) 
  • Windscreen and lights are clean 
  • All your car’s lights work well 

In other words, it’s about avoiding skidding and ensuring decent visibility while you drive in the rain. 

Also follow the following practices for road safety during wet weather: 

  • Driving slowly (road slippery and the brake’s power might not be enough to stop you on time) 
  • Doubling the distance between you and the car in front (more than enough space because road is slippery) 
  • Driving with your lights on low beam (so you can see better in fog) 
  • Keeping your windscreen free of condensation by turning on your air conditioner or demister (removing mist) 
  • Avoiding roads covered with water (there might be holes or obstacles there in the water) 
  • Avoiding sudden turns, acceleration and braking (reduce skidding) 

Whether it’s pleasant or unpleasant weather, your car’s function and road safety depend on what you do and whether your car is at its top condition or not (e.g. brakes and lights work properly). It’s always recommended to have your car checked by a mechanic before a long drive, especially if your automobile hasn’t undergone servicing for several months or years already. 

Is It Easy to Drive a Car in Australia?

Whether you’re a beginning driver or a tourist, it’s important to know how to make the driving experience safe, smooth and fun. This way, you can better focus on your journey and get the most out of the experience. 

Driving in Australia 

When you’re about to drive, it’s good to remember or think about the following: 

  • Drive on the left 
  • Give way to the right in traffic circles and intersections 
  • Your foreign drivers licence (you can use it up to 3 months as long as it is in English; if not, you should have an Internation Driving Permit or IDP first) 
  • Seatbelts are a must 
  • It’s illegal to use a mobile phone while driving, if you’re using your phone for navigation, you should use a hands-free cradle 
  • Police conduct random breath and drug tests all across the country 
  • About speed limits, note that Australia uses the metric system 
  • Petrol stations (service stations or “servos”) are available at regular intervals on all major highways 
  • Most fuel pumps are self-service 
  • Travel with a map, especially outside of cities and big towns because mobile phone coverage might be unreliable 
  • Familiarise yourself with the toll roads 

Making sure your car is safe to drive 

In addition, you have to ensure that your car is safe to drive. If you’ll rent a car, ask the provider if it has undergone recent maintenance. If you’ll use your own car, it’s good to have it inspected first especially when you’re about to go for a long drive. 

To ensure your car is safe to drive, the mechanic will likely check the following: 

  • Brake system 
  • Steering and suspension 
  • Transmissions 
  • Radiator and cooling 
  • Headlights and overall lighting system (especially if you plan to travel at night) 

If you want your car to undergo detailed inspection before you drive, you can contact us here at CMR Automotive. We have service centres at Leichhardt and Marrickville

Is It Worth Reconditioning an Engine?

In engine reconditioning, the goal is to improve your engine’s performance and efficiency. It’s cheaper than engine replacement, which is why many automobile owners choose reconditioning to save on costs. 

What happens in engine reconditioning? 

Here, what usually happens is that the engine is disassembled and the parts are cleaned and checked. Some parts might need repair or replacement. Then, the parts are reassembled and the engine is put back in the car again. The goal is to bring back the engine’s near top condition. This way, it can run smoothly again and help make your automobile more efficient in fuel use. 

After years and thousands of kilometres, many of the parts of your engine will naturally wear out. Some of the engineered parts are gaskets, timing belts, pistons, oil pumps, valve seats, connecting rods and crankshaft. Through the years, they wear out and make the entire engine inefficient. 

If those worn out parts need replacement, the mechanic should make sure that they’re compatible with your engine. One incompatible part can actually ruin the engine, which is why it’s important to choose an experienced mechanic to carry out  this job. 

How long does it take to recondition an engine? 

It might take a few days or weeks. Aside from the hours necessary to carry out the job (some estimates are around 25 hours), you should also consider the time to find the necessary compatible parts. The search and delivery might take weeks or months depending on your engine’s make and availability of certain parts and components. To get a more accurate estimate of the timeline (as well as the costs), you should ask a professional mechanic. 

When should you recondition an engine? 

To be sure, it’s good to ask a trusted mechanic. It’s hard to know what the exact condition of an engine is just by looking at the signs (low fuel efficiency, excessive oil use, loss of power, lots of smoke, vehicle is hard to start). The reason might be different and the engine might need reconditioning in the first place (other parts and components are malfunctioning instead). 

But if you notice those signs, it’s good to bring your car to a trusted mechanic so you can be sure what’s causing the problem. Whether your engine needs reconditioning or not (or you prefer buying a new one which costs more), it’s always good to pay attention to what your car tells you. If there’s something bothering you about how your car works, contact a trusted mechanic right away. 


October 2024


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