Located in Leichhardt and Marrickville

(02) 9519 3311

Mon-Fri: 7:00 am – 5:00pm    

Monday-Friday 7:00AM - 5:00PM
Request A Booking Today (02) 9519 3311
Located in Leichhardt and Marrickville

Blog Posts


The recent achievement of the Green Stamp Environmental Accreditation from the Motor Traders Association of NSW assured us that we were doing our best to reduce the environmental impact that our business makes on our local environment.

By adopting some simple, but conscious measures we are able to put into place our sustainability policy.

  • Recycle our paper and cardboard products
  • Recycle our metal and alloy products
  • Use a Tyre recycler who is a Tyre Stewardship partner
  • Use 100% recycled paper products in office and bathrooms
  • Recycle our Ink Cartridges
  • Being Loyal to Local business to reduce kms in transport and supporting other small business.

This green stamp goal was set in 2017 and we are proud of ourselves for gaining this achievement in 2018.

CMR Leichhardt Staff – 2018

CMR Automotive Staff – 2018

We are proud to service our local community and are committed to providing jobs for Qualified mechanics as well as providing a job opportunity for an Apprentice to work alongside a Qualified Technician.

We enjoy working with NOVA Employment, a decision which makes sound business sense as we provide a job opportunity for a NOVA job seeker.

We employ a full time Service Advisor, able to discuss your mechanical needs, provide advice and develop a maintenance plan for your vehicles.

We are a female and LGBTI+ Friendly work space and have policies and procedures in place committed to keeping our staff safe and motivated to complete the best job possible for you.

Give us a call on 02 9519 3311 to discuss your Mechanical or Auto Electrical Work.

Mercedes Benz Technical Day

In May, CMR Leichhardt hosted a Mercedes Benz Tech Day at our new premises in Marrickville.

With over 50 people in attendance from the Mercedes Benz Club of NSW, we were proud to share some industry technical knowledge with them.

What a collection of vehicles we had and with some excellent cars up on the hoist for inspection of the club members, we could really see what was happening!

Award Winner 2019

The Inner West Local Business awards happen yearly.  It is a major event for Small and Local business to showcase themselves as a quality business.

After the your clients and customers vote for us, we then put together an application, highlighting the different areas on which we have performed well over the past year.

We focus on customer service, sustainable practices and how we provide quality workmanship on all the vehicles we see.

The year, we were lucky to be awarded WINNERS!

The most outstanding Automotive Workshop 2019 in the Inner West of Sydney.

We had a great night at the awards and were all so pleased to have the recognition of our customer base.

4WD Action Day

This Toyota Landcruiser VDJ 79R had to have duel diaphragm brake boosters and steel braided flexible brake hoses fitted after the standard brakes were no longer able to handle the extra weight loaded to the vehicle. This modification, performed in house by qualified 4WD Technicians ensures safety on and off road for this customer.

Mercedes Benz SL350

Problem: – SRS Warning Light on dash

Solution: – Diagnose SRS System Warning Light

Check  & Erase Multiple Fault Codes For The Passanger Side Front Occupancy Sensor. Dismantled The Passanger Seat Trims To Remove The Front Seat. Check All Wiring To Seat And Occupancy Mat Module.

Repair Wiring Connections With Excessive Resistance, Reassemble And Check Operation Of The Srs System And Move The Seat Backwards And Forwards.

Customer happy – Mercedes Benz SL350 – Ready to drive with no further issues.


A mandatory scheme should be introduced for car manufacturers to share technical information with independent repairers

Sharing of technical information

The ACCC found problems with the detail and timeliness of technical information given to independent repairers. This is despite a voluntary commitment made by car manufacturers in 2014 to provide independent repairers with the same information to repair and service new cars that they provide to their authorised dealers.

There are barriers in the industry preventing access to this technical information, which impacts competition in the repair and servicing of new cars. The repair and servicing sector was worth a combined $24.8 billion in 2016-17 and dealers have an average 64 per cent profit margin on new cars they service.

“Car manufacturers should be required to share new cars’ technical information with independent repairers. For new cars to be properly repaired and serviced, independent repairers need access to electronic information and data produced by car manufacturers,” Mr Sims said.

“This lack of competition hurts new car buyers who have fewer options to get the best deal for repairs and servicing, and restricts independent repairers from competing on a level playing field.”

This is an excerpt taken from an article on the ACCC website.

CMR Automotive strongly supports the message of sharing technical information as it supports our view of consumer rights and the right to choose where to have your vehicle serviced.


Community Links

Giving back to our Community:

CMR Automotive is proudly 100% Independently owned and 100% locally operated.

We are proud supporters of

  • Community Pre-Schools,
  • The Starlight Foundation
  • Actively contribute to the Smith Family on an on-going basis
  • The Allanah and Madeline foundation
  • Proudly annual friends of Leichhardt Womens Community Centre – Women’s Health

We endeavour to purchase products and parts from local business both small and large, we support local community by directing customers to local cafes and restaurants and link to other local business where appropriate.

This allows CMR Automotive to be a visible part of the Inner West community, actively support the Inner West and wider community and understand our diverse community needs.

We support our local customers in times of urgent mechanical need by providing a call out when customers need a tow, a jump start or help with their vehicle.

4WD Modification and Upgrade

At CMR Automotive we can service, repair and maintain your 4WD – and if you are going away on a trip around Australia – let us know, we are happy to modify your 4WD to suit your needs to ensure a fantastic trip!!

Porsche Brake Upgrade

These brakes were cooked! A Brake upgrade on this Porsche was just what the doctor ordered!!!


March 2025


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Porsche Brake Upgrade